A Goldilocks Universe // Watch my discussion with UnHerd

Richard Dawkins says there's a "good argument" for God from science, but what's stopping him from accepting it?

New Atheism proclaimed that science had buried God. However, as new evidence about the surprising origins of the universe and its fine-tuning for life has emerged, perhaps God was waiting for us all along.

In this week’s episode, I spoke to scientists and thinkers including Jennifer Wiseman, John Lennox and Stephen Meyer. Peter Byrom also examines whether Richard Dawkins' best-known objection to a 'complex' God really holds water.

The Logos Behind Life: The dissident scientists discovering a mind beyond matter

In the next episode, we delve into the most controversial area of the “God and science” question… biology! Why did Antony Flew, one of the world's leading atheists, announce in 2004 that he believes in God? Why did atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel's 2012 book 'Mind And Cosmos' get him labelled as a heretic by his peers?

I explore why the discovery of the DNA code, the search for the origin of life, the complexity of the cell, and the mathematical order of the universe are leading many scientists to speak of agency, purpose, and a 'Logos' behind life.

I also hear from dissident thinkers such as Stephen Meyer, Roger Penrose, John Lennox, Denis Noble and Perry Marshall about the surprising rebirth of belief in a mind beyond matter. Biologist Sy Garte also tells his story of how as an atheist scientist, he was surprised by God.

This episode won’t be publicly released until May 14th, but you can listen now when you become a Silver or Gold Patreon supporter, or get early access via Tax-deductible giving (USA).

Dawkins’ Dilemma: The materialistic meltdown of The God Delusion

Illustration source: Answering The New Atheism (Hann & Wiker, 2008)

Silver and Gold supporters also get exclusive access to an extended report (an abridged version of which is featured in this week’s episode) about the downfall of Richard Dawkins’ most prized and, allegedly, “devastating” argument against the existence of God from his bestseller The God Delusion. Even a significant number of atheist and agnostic thinkers have concluded that Dawkins over-reached!

Watch now! Christian revival: fantasy or reality?

With recent examples of high-profile atheists publicly converting to religious faith, or aligning with ‘cultural Christianity’, it seems the tide might be turning against secularism in Britain and America. But do stars of the rationalist movement finding faith mark a greater social shift?

I joined UnHerd to discuss this very question, alongside host of ‘The Sacred’ Elizabeth Oldfield and Alex O’Connor, otherwise known as the ‘Cosmic Skeptic’.

Discussing The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God on the Defragmenting podcast

I joined Dr. Keith Plummer of Defragmenting to discuss what led to the popularity of the so-called New Atheists in the early 2000s as well as the internal conflicts that led to the movement’s implosion, and why secular thinkers such as Jordan Peterson, Peter Boghosian, Louise Perry, and Tom Holland, to name a few,  are finding it increasingly difficult to ignore the Christian story’s relevance to questions of science, history, culture, and our search for meaning.

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“Wow. This series is incredible and much needed for our culture and season as we navigate our world. So eye-opening and thought-provoking. Whether you are a Christian or not this is a must-listen to series to engage your heart and mind!”

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Best wishes from me and the Think Faith team!
Justin Brierley.