Atheist recites CS Lewis - goes viral! // Is God back in science?

Watch my dialogue with Alex O'Connor, and get early access to my full interview with Stephen Meyer on "Return of the God Hypothesis"

In this week’s episode, I engage with atheist YouTuber Alex O'Connor in a live audience conversation in Edinburgh, hosted by Patrick Brown of Trinity Forum Europe.

We discussed my 'Surprising Rebirth' thesis and whether the Bible is the foundation of Western morality. Alex also surprised the audience by reciting a CS Lewis poem from memory…

…which went viral online!

Not only have we released this dialogue as a podcast, we also released the video of the event on YouTube, alongside an isolated clip of Alex reciting the CS Lewis poem.

In less than four days, the poem recital has been watched over 40,000 times on Twitter, been reposted over 100 times, and the full event video has 50,000 views! Alex really does draw a crowd!

Watch early: full interview with Stephen Meyer: Return of the God Hypothesis

Become a Silver, Gold, or Platinum supporter, or support my work through US tax-deductible giving, and you can watch, two weeks early, my full interview with philosopher of science Stephen Meyer, about his recent book Return of the God Hypothesis. Stephen shares the latest advances in the field of "Intelligent Design" with me, ranging from design inferences that can be drawn from the origin of the universe, the fine-tuning of the universe, the information content of the cell, and even from attempts of atheist materialists to try to avoid the God Hypothesis!

The Believing Brain: How Iain McGilchrist rediscovered the soul

The next Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God episode (bumped down the schedule so that we could release the Alex O’Connor debate hot off the press!) takes a deep dive into consciousness: Why did atheist neuroscientist Philipp Koch recently lose a 25-year-old bet on consciousness? Why is 'panpsychism' in fashion? And could the latest research on the brain be pointing us back towards God?

I speak to scientists and philosophers such as Sharon Dirckx and Philip Goff on the surprising turn away from atheist materialism. Ex-atheist Jennifer Fulwiler shares her story of realising love must be more than brain chemistry and influential thinker Iain McGilchrist reveals how a new understanding of the mind is pointing us back to God.

This episode won’t be released until 23 July, but you can listen now when you become a Silver or Gold Patreon supporter, or get early access via Tax-deductible giving (USA).

Join me in Surrey, Friday 12 July

I’ll be speaking at the beautiful home of English L’Abri in Surrey on Fri 12 July, 7.30pm.

It will include audience Q&A on my case for The Surprising Rebirth Of Belief In God. Come along if you can!

Your support helps me to reach more people

I’ve received many encouraging messages about the Surprising Rebirth Podcast in the past month, including this one:

What a podcast! This has to be the most thought provoking podcast on the internet. I have so enjoyed listening and learning. What I like is the two sided view of Christianity, which enables you to decide what side you wish to believe.

When I conclude the series I know I'm going to start again because there is so much to take on board.

Just excellent.

Mark, UK

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Best wishes from me and the Think Faith team!
Justin Brierley.